By: E.R. Griffin


Name: Elizabeth Barker
Date of Birth: August 3, 1985
Age: 18
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 140 lbs.
First Appearance: Coming Soon

Description: Liz and Molly met in sixth grade, and since formed a steady friendship and the ability to confide in each other. Liz is Molly's intellectual opposite when it comes to school and studies. While Molly aspires in the arts, Liz leans towards books and the pursuit of knowlege as a whole, her last high school year leading her up to a University course in screenwriting. Although not artistic herself, she enjoys seeing art in others, such as taking in the theater once in a while. To people who don't know her, she can come off as a bit of a know-it-all, though she's actually a very caring, emotional person.

Quote: "You can tell me anything you know, and I won't get mad, or laugh, or call you a crazy."